Director of the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW). Previously, he was deputy director and department head for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, and analyst for Russia’s energy and foreign policy in OSW's Russian department. In the past, he was the coordinator of the Batory Foundation's international projects, a visiting scholar at the Wilson Centre's Kennan Institute in Washington, DC, and a participant in several international research projects (including the Centre for European Policy Studies, Think Visegrad, and the German Association for East European Studies). He lectures regularly at the Diplomatic Academy, the Warsaw School of Economics, and the University of Warsaw. He is a member of the Foreign Policy College of the President of Poland and the Board of POLONIKA, the National Institute for Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad. A regular commentator in Polish and international media.
A graduate of the University of Warsaw in International Relations and the Centre for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw. He also studied at Saint Petersburg State University and the Warsaw School of Economics. Initiator and editor of the three-volume works of Włodzimierz Bączkowski, prominent Polish-American Sovietologist (Mieroszewski Centre & OMP 2022). The author of books: “Endangered heritage. Polish cultural goods in Ukraine and Belarus” (OSW 2020), "The art of survival. The Soviet deportations from the Bielsk county 1940-1941" (in Polish, IPN 2019).
Twitter: @w_kononczuk
- political and economic situation in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
- Russian foreign and domestic policy
- energy policy
- European integration
- politics of memory
- history of Polish political thought about Eastern Europe
- Neither David nor Goliath: Perspectives on the Ukraine Defense, Aspen Review, 14.08.2024
- Wymazywanie Białorusi [Erasing Belarus], „Twórczość”, nr 7-8, 2024
Year two of the war: Russia goes on the offensive, the West trapped in its strategic delusions, OSW Commentary, 23 February, 2024
View from Poland: Ukraine’s Victory is Indispensable for European Security, Liberale Moderne, 8 November, 2023
The Polish-Ukrainian Bond Is Here to Stay, Carnegie Europe, 3.10.2023
Почему украинское зерно стало проблемой для Центральной Европы, Novaya Polsha, 22.08.2023
Pax Post-Sovietica? The Final End of Post-Sovietness, AREI. Journal for Central and Eastern European History and Politics, no. 1, 2023
- Germany, Poland, Ukraine: how can we avoid the kitsch of reconciliation?, Liberale Moderne, 30 May, 2023 (together with Anna Kwiatkowska)
- Come la guerra cambia l’Europa centro-orientale, Limes, 13.04.2023
- One year of war. Russia’s imperial maximalism versus Ukraine’s resistance, OSW Commentary, 28.02.2023
No Stable EU Without a New Eastern Enlargement, SCEUUS, 10.11.2022
Die unendliche Desintegration. 30 Jahre nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion, Pilecki Institute, wrzesień 2021
Regime-sanctioned oligarchs. Big business in Belarus, „Sprawy Międzynarodowe” 2021, nr 2
Наше — и не наше. Что такое совместное наследие и как его беречь, NovayaPolsha.pl, 13.10.2020
Похвала последовательности, "Tygodnik Powszechny", 20.09.2020
Ґедройць і Осадчук: півстоліття у листах, Culture.pl, 12.06.2020
Endangered heritage Polish cultural goods in Ukraine and Belarus, OSW Report, May 2020 (cooperation: Piotr Kosiewski)
Temporary stabilisation: Russia-Ukraine gas transit deal, OSW Commentary, 31.12.2019
«С точностью до наоборот»: о польском и российском взгляде на Украину „Неприкосновенный Запас”, nr 1, 2019
Політика України щодо Польщі. Погляд з Варшави, Ukrainian Prism, 17.01.2019
Gas revolution? Prospects for increased gas production in Ukraine, OSW Commentary, 24 September 2018
Troublesome Investment. The Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant in Astravyets (ed.), OSW Studies, 7 July 2018
The Paradoxes of Polish-Ukrainian Relations, Wilson Center, 23 May 2018
Why Poland needs a post-Giedroyc doctrine towards Ukraine, New Eastern Europe, 22 March 2018
Dark clouds over the Ukrainian gas market reform, OSW Commentary, 4 October 2017 (co-author)
A dangerous energy policy: Ukraine, despite war, is making itself dependent on Russian oil, Energy Post, 8 September 2017
Moldova Falls Victim to Politicising, Emerging Europe, 24 June 2017
Oligarchs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia as key obstacles to reforms, CEPS, 3 DCFTAs project, 24 May 2017The never-ending collapse. The state of the Ukrainian oil sector, OSW Report, May 2017
Explaining Oligarchic Moldova, Carnegie Europe, 4 May 2017 (co-author)
The Failed Promise of Deoligarchization in Ukraine, VoxUkraine, 18 January 2017
The Ukrainian Economy: A Slow Recovery and Much More to Be Done, Aspen Review issue 1, 2017
Ukraine’s Omnipresent Oligarchs, Carnegie Europe, 13.10.2016
Keystone of the system. Old and new oligarchs in Ukraine, OSW Point of View, 18.08.2016
Ukraine’s Reforms: Promises Still Unfulfilled, Aspen Review 1/2016
The bumpy road. Difficult reform process in Ukraine, OSW Commentary, 3.12.2015 (co-author)
Reform #1. Why Ukraine has to reform its gas sector, OSW Commentary, 2.09.2015
Reading Lukashenko’s Belarus Without Illusions, Carnegie Europe, 26.05.2015 (co-author)
Oligarchs after the Maidan: the old system in a 'new' Ukraine, OSW Commentary, 16 February, 2015
Die Ukraine: Ein ewiger Status-Quo-Staat? [in:] Simon Geissbühler (eds.), Der Euromaidan 2013/14 und die Zukunftsperspektiven der Ukraine, Ibidem, 2014, pp. 115-126 (book chapter)
Russia’s Real Aims in Crimea, Carnegie Endowment, 13 March 2014
Ukraine: What Russia Wants, The National Interest, 20 February 2014
The fragile foundations of the Russian oil sector, European Energy Review, 11 June, 2012
An inexhaustible source of income? The significance of Belarusian refineries and the outlook for the future (with K. Kłysiński), OSW Commentary, Issue 81, June, 2010
Russia’s best ally. The situation of the Russian oil sector and forecast for its future, OSW Studies, no 39, 2012, pp. 1-68
Rosyjska gorączka sztuki, „Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, no 2, 2011, pp. 76-88
Lukashenka has to choose: reforms or concessions to Russia (with K. Kłysiński), OSW Commentary, Issue 42, 27 December, 2010
Elita władzy a wielki biznes, [in:]. T. Bodio, W. Jakubowski (eds.), Przywództwo i elity polityczne w krajach WNP, t. II, Warszawa 2010, pp. 167-184
Rosyjski dylemat w polskiej polityce zagranicznej po 1999 roku (with M. Kaczmarski) [in:] Andrzej Gil, Tomasz Kapuśniak (eds.), Polityka wschodnia Polski. Uwarunkowania, koncepcje, realizacja, Lublin-Warszawa: IESW 2009, pp. 203-218
Making money on the crisis in Russia: the case of Gennady Timchenko, OSW Comentary, Issue 31, 28 December 2009
Gunvor i reszta, czyli o handlu rosyjską ropą, „Arcana”, no 86-87, 2009, pp. 282-295
Polen und seine östlichenNachbarn (with J. Cichocki), [in:] D. Bingen, K. Ruchniewicz (eds.), Länderbericht Polen, Bonn 2009, pp. 625-643
Energetyczna intryga, „Res Publica Nowa”, no 6, 2009, pp. 232-237
Rosja i dwa Katynie, „Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, no 3-4, 2009, pp. 167-171
Achillesowa pięta Ukrainy, „Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, no 1, 2009, pp. 22-30
Historical baggage – relations between Turkey and Armenia, [in:] A. Balcer (ed.), Turkey after the start of negotiations with the European Union - foreign relations and the domestic situation, OSW Report, Warsaw, July 2008, pp. 19-30
A Caucasian ally? Turkish-Georgian relations, [in:] A. Balcer (ed.), Turkey after the start of negotiations with the European Union - foreign relations and the domestic situation, OSW Report, Warsaw, July 2008, pp. 31-41
Crimean potential of destabilization, Russkiivopros, no 4, 2008
The East Siberia/Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline: a strategic project - an organisational failure?,OSW Comentary, Issue 12, 22 October 2008
CIS Countries' Interests vis-à-vis the European Union and its Eastern Policy (with M. Menkiszak and M. Kaczmarski), CASE Network Studies and Analyses, no. 365, 2008, pp. 1-46
Difficult ”Ally”. Belarus in Russia’s Foreign Policy, OSW Studies, no 28, 2008, pp. 31-55
Perspektywy stosunków UE-Ukraina po rozpoczęciu negocjacji nad nowym układem, „Wspólnoty Europejskie” no 3, 2007, pp. 10-15
Putin’s Empire (eds.), Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw 2007, pp. 1-174
The Failure of integration. The CIS and other international organisations in the post-Soviet area 1991-2006, OSW Studies, no 26, 2007, pp. 29-51
Walka o pamięć. Rosyjsko-estoński kryzys wokół „Żołnierza z brązu”, „Nowe Sprawy Polityczne”, no 33, 2007, pp. 51-59
Energy Game. Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus between the EU and Russia (with G. Gromadzki), Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw 2007, pp. 1-44
Belarusian-Russian energy conflict: the game is not over, Stefan Batory Foundation, January 2007
Belarus after the “election”. What future for Lukashenka regime? (with G. Gromadzki, L. Veselý), Stefan Batory Foundation, AMO, Warsaw-Prague 2006, pp. 1-40
Belarusian and Ukrainian strategy towards post-Soviet integration, [in:] Security Challenges in the post-Soviet Space, A. Eberhardt, A. Iwashita (eds.), Warsaw-Sapporo 2007, pp. 55-65
The "Yukos Affair", its Motives and Implications, OSW Studies, no 25, August 2006, pp. 32-58