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OSW Commentary | | Ilona Gizińska, Andrzej Sadecki
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Hungarian-US relations have deteriorated even further. Hungary’s close cooperation with Russia and China had already caused concern in Washington. In addition, successive Democratic administrations had…
OSW Commentary | | Paulina Uznańska, Jakub Jakóbowski
The third Belt and Road Forum in Beijing was intended to cast a new light on Xi Jinping’s flagship global initiative. As part of its post-pandemic effort to open up to the world, China has declared that regional projects focused on high-…
OSW Commentary | | Maria Domańska
In 2023, Russia has seen a spike in acts of destruction or removal from public space of monuments and symbols commemorating the victims of political repression, primarily Poles. This is connected with Russia’s full-scale assault on Ukraine…
OSW Commentary | | Maria Domańska, Stefan Ingvarsson
Russia is currently experiencing the largest wave of politically driven emigration in its modern history. Among the hundreds of thousands of migrants, a relatively small but active group of civic activists, politicians, journalists and…
OSW Commentary | | Łukasz Maślanka
The EU’s security policy towards the Sahel has reached an impasse following a series of coups in the region. The EU sees it as an area of its extended southern neighbourhood and focuses primarily on its partnership with the group of five…
OSW Commentary | | OSW team
Since the EU decided in June 2022 to temporarily lift customs duties on Ukrainian imports, including agri-food imports, the sudden inflow of grain from Ukraine has become increasingly problematic for Central European countries. In May this…
OSW Commentary | | Iwona Wiśniewska
Public funds became the most important lever of economic activity in the Russian Federation when it invaded Ukraine and due to Western sanctions. According to the Russian finance ministry’s estimates, the total value of budget support for…
OSW Commentary | | Filip Rudnik
The increase in fuel prices in Russia seen since the beginning of the year and fuel shortages at individual gas stations forced an unprecedented response from the government: a ban on the export of diesel oil and gasoline. According to…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Kłysiński
Since the beginning of the 1990s, Belarus’s demographic situation has seen a steady decline in its population. This has been due to both a declining birth rate and increasing emigration. As a consequence, from the beginning of Belarusian…
OSW Commentary | | Sebastian Płóciennik
Germany has found itself in a stalemate between its strict budgetary rules and the need to fight the economic crisis, cushion rising energy costs and earmark more funds for public investment. To tackle this challenge, it has decided to…