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Following the Serbian government’s obligations towards the European Union, the company, Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), which is controlled by the Russian corporation Gazpromneft, on 1 January lost its position as the sole supplier of oil…
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| Wojciech Konończuk
The sentence passed on the former heads of Yukos shows the determination of part of the ruling elite, led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, to maintain Russia’s current political-economic system.
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| Witold Rodkiewicz
On 30 December 2010, the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD), the Democratic Party (PD) and the Liberal Party (PL) concluded an agreement to renew the governing coalition, the Alliance for European Integration (AIE). This means that the…
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1 January saw the start of the operation of the new Skovorodino-Daqing pipeline, which will export Russian crude oil onto the Chinese market. This quickly-built pipeline is the first route for the transmission of Russian raw materials to…
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On 29 December, the influential newspaper Vedomosti reported corruption allegations brought against Prime Minister Vladimir Putin by Sergei Kolesnikov, a businessman who had business links to Putin’s inner circle from the early 1990s. This…
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Since the beginning of the new year, the Belarusian government has continued its policy of repression against the opposition and the independent media. Searches and the confiscation of property in the offices and buildings of opposition…
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On 29 December, in the face of opposition from the US Congress, US President Barack Obama appointed Matthew Bryza to the post of ambassador to Azerbaijan, finally filling a position which had been vacant since July 2009. Obama’s decision…
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Towards the end of December, in a text published in Diplomatichesky Yezhegodnik (The Diplomatic Yearbook), Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov outlined Moscow’s expectations from the West, especially in matters of international…
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The privatisation of Ukrtelekom, the monopolist on the Ukrainian telecommunications market, will take place without a tender, because the only bid was submitted by the Austrian investment fund EPIC. The sale was conducted in a hurry, and…