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Analyses |
| Tomasz Dąborowski
On 18 January, the Bulgarian parliament imposed a total ban on the use of the hydraulic fracturing technology applied in the exploration and production of shale gas and oil.
Analyses |
| Marta Szpala
On 22 January, a clear majority of Croats who attended the referendum voted for Croatia to join the EU. 66% of the votes cast were for accession and 33% were against. However, voter turnout was very low – only 43.6%.
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| Konrad Mazur
The Management Board of RWE, which has so far backed the idea of this project, is currently making the company’s participation in the construction of the gas pipeline dependent on gas supplies being guaranteed under contracts with…
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| Ewa Paszyc
On 17 January, Gazpromexport lowered gas prices for five of its European partners: the German company Wingas; France’s GdF Suez; Austria’s Econgas; Italy’s Singerie Italiane; and Slovakia’s SPP. Taken together, they buy about 35 billion m³…
Analyses |
| Marcin Kaczmarski
The actions Russia has taken during the political crisis in and around Syria, and the rhetoric of Russian politicians, have by no means been unanimous. On one hand, Russia is actively supporting Bashar Assad’s regime. On the other hand,…
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| Sławomir Matuszak
Although details were not given, it can be concluded from earlier statements by the Ukrainian government that this will involve a significant increase in the extraction of its own gas, as well as taking deliveries from Azerbaijan, and to a…
Analyses |
| Jakub Groszkowski
President Václav Klaus announced in his letter to Prime Minister Petr Nečas that he would not sign the intergovernmental agreement introducing a fiscal compact, an instrument for the coordination of the economies of eurozone member…
Analyses |
| Tomasz Dąborowski, Andrzej Sadecki
On 17 January, the European Commission decided to apply EU law infringement proceedings against Hungary. The European Commission found that the lowering of the retirement ages for judges and public prosecutors from 70 to 62 years was…
Analyses |
| Tomasz Dąborowski
With the exception of Bucharest, where the demonstrations turned into one-day violent riots, these have been peaceful protests. The government’s plans to partly privatise the healthcare system were the direct reason why Romanians took to…
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
The latest proposal of the fiscal agreement which is to reform the eurozone appeared in the German media on 12 January. While the common arrangements in the previous version had been referred to as a ‘fiscal agreement’, the new one has…