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On 16 February, the Russian newspaper Vedomosti reported that Russia intends to withdraw from the international consortium to construct the Burgas–Aleksandroupolis oil pipeline. On the same day, Transneft denied this report. The project…
OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
In 2011 Croatia entered the final stage of its accession negotiations with the EU. The completion of these negotiations will probably coincide with the parliamentary elections which should be held in November or December this year. The…
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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 25 January passed a resolution accusing Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hasim Thaci and his associates of war crimes and participation in an organised crime group. This has undermined…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
The clashes in Tirana are the culmination of the dispute between the ruling Democratic Party (PDSh) and the opposition party PSSh that has been ongoing since June 2009. Without the direct involvement of the international community,…
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On 20 January the German company RWE, the French GDF Suez and the Spanish Iberdrola announced that they were pulling out of the project of the extension of the Cernavodă nuclear power plant. Thus the companies joined the Czech company ČEZ…
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Following the Serbian government’s obligations towards the European Union, the company, Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), which is controlled by the Russian corporation Gazpromneft, on 1 January lost its position as the sole supplier of oil…
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On 17 December the Council of the EU officially granted Montenegro EU candidate status. This decision is a signal for the Balkan countries that the enlargement process is being continued. However, it cannot be expected that accession…
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On 16 December the Croatian company Prirodni Plin signed a three years contract for gas supplies with the Italian consortium ENI. This means abandoning a new long-term agreement with the Russian Gazprom (the current contract will expire at…
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On 21 December a letter from the interior ministers of Germany and France, respectively Thomas de Maiziere and Brice Hortefeux, to the European Commission was revealed. In the letter the two politicians reproach Bulgaria and Romania for…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
The makeup of the new Kosovan parliament will not allow for the establishment of a stable government and is likely to prevent a normalisation of relations with Serbia.