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On 30 November Bulgaria’s National Electric Company (NEK) signed memoranda with Russia’s Rosatom, Finland’s Fortum and France’s Altran Technologies envisaging the establishment of a company for the building of the Belene nuclear power…
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Serbia received a membership questionnaire from the European Commission on 24 November. The Serbian government wants to be granted candidate status in the second half of 2011. For this reason it has announced that it will return the…
OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
Increasingly serious challenge for integrating the Balkan states is the EU's growing reluctance to enlarge any further. Among other measures, the EU states have blocked the formal acknowledgement of the integration progress, which has…
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Representatives of Russia’s Gazprom and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) in the presence of the two countries’ prime ministers, Vladimir Putin and Boyko Borisov, signed agreements on 13 November in Sofia which will establish a company to…
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On 8 November, the EU’s Council of Justice and Home Affairs unanimously decided to lift the obligation of holding short-term (3-month) visas for citizens of BiH and Albania who cross the border of the Schengen Area. The decision will come…
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The Serbian president, Boris Tadic, paid an unofficial visit to Croatia on 4 November. Tadic and his Croatian counterpart Ivo Josipovic visited the graves of Croat and Serb victims of the 1991–1995 war. The visit is part of the process of…
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At an international conference in Lancut held on 22 October, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece joined the project for the Via Carpatia land transit route, which will lead from Lithuania through Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, and further south…
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On 25 October, the EU Council adopted Serbia’s accession application and submitted it to the European Commission for further consideration. This decision is a great success for the Serbian government; however, obtaining candidate status…
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Representatives of Russia’s Gazprom and of Romania’s gas pipeline operator Transgaz signed on 13 October in Bucharest a memorandum on co-operation in the development of a feasibility study for the Romanian section of the South Stream gas…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
EU representatives had hoped that as a result of the elections held on 3 October in Bosnia the government elite would be replaced with a team more willing to compromise on changing the country’s political system.