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Analyses |
| Justyna Gotkowska
On 11 and 13 January the heads of the Federal Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence expressed their support for the French intervention in Mali, describing it as compatible with UN Security Council resolution 2085 RB of 20 December…
Analyses |
| Rafał Bajczuk
On 3 January 2013, the economic daily Handelsblatt informed that the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe; BGR) developed an analysis for the Ministry of Economics. The…
Analyses |
| Kamil Frymark
On 3–5 December the CDU convention was held in Hanover. Chancellor Angela Merkel was elected the head of the party for the next term, receiving the support of 97.7% of her party. This was her best result since 2000 when she became the…
OSW Report |
| Marta Zawilska-Florczuk, Konrad Popławski, Anna Kwiatkowska, Piotr Buras
Zainicjowana w maju 2011 roku, kilka miesięcy po awarii elektrowni atomowej w Fukushimie transformacja energetyczna RFN przedstawiana jest jako decyzja ostateczna, a ze względu na narzucone tempo zmian stanowi nową jakość w strategii…
Analyses |
| Justyna Gotkowska
On 4 December, the NATO ministers of foreign affairs declared their solidarity for their fellow NATO-member Turkey in detering threats it is facing and defending it in the context of repeated violations of Turkey’s territory. The ministers…
Analyses |
| Rafał Bajczuk, Konrad Popławski
Following Germany’s decision to cease using nuclear energy, coal’s share in electricity production has increased again. Whereas in 2010 coal was used to produce 41.8% of electric energy in Germany, in 2011 its share grew to 43.1%. Given…
Analyses |
| Artur Ciechanowicz
The Institute of Contemporary History in Munich (IfZ) has published a report entitled ‘Activists with a past’ on the Nazi past of the first activists of the Federation of Expellees (BdV), which was established in 1957. Historians’ findings…
Analyses |
| Anna Kwiatkowska, Witold Rodkiewicz
The 14th German-Russian intergovernmental consultations took place in Moscow on 16 November. The meeting had originally been scheduled for October, but it was delayed due to the ongoing cooling of political relations between Berlin and…
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
On November 12, the German company Bosch announced that it intended to withdraw from the Desertec project as a technological partner. This follows the announcement by Siemens, one of the main initiators of the project, to sell off its…
Analyses |
| Kamil Frymark
Chancellor Angela Merkel met for the second time with the prime ministers of the federal states to discuss the coordination of the German Energy Transformation (Energiewende) on 2 November. The third meeting has been scheduled for 21 March…