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OSW Commentary | | Kamil Całus
Despite the complicated relations between Chisinau and Gagauzia, it seems that there is little danger that the region may become dangerously unstable.
Analyses | | Kamil Całus, Tomasz Dąborowski
President Basescu announced in a TV interview that following its accession to NATO and the EU, Bucharest’s new major political project should be unification with Moldova.
Analyses | | Kamil Całus, Marta Jaroszewicz
The prospect of lifting the visa requirement for Moldovan citizens by the end of 2014 is very important from the point of view of the ruling coalition in Moldova.
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Całus
The key element of Chișinău’s diversification project is the construction of the Iasi-Ungheni pipeline, but it won't resolve problem before the end of the current decade.
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
A spokeswoman for the Russian Federal Immigration Service has announced that 190,000 Moldovan nationals were currently staying in Russian territory in violation of the immigration laws. The news concerning repressive measures towards…
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
In the last month tensions between Moldova and Transnistria have risen sharply. This has been caused by a decree on the state border issued on 10 June by the separatist leader Yevgeny Shevchuk. The adoption of the document should be seen…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Całus
The economy of breakaway Transnistria is a peculiar combination of the command-and-distribution model inherited from the USSR with elements of a free-market economy which is heavily dependent on Russian energy and financial subsidies. The…
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
On 3 May, Moldova’s parliament passed a number of laws concerning the operation of the systems of justice and voting; the Communists and the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (LDPM) voted in favour of them. The most important decisions…
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
On 22 April, the Moldovan Constitutional Court unanimously ruled that Vlad Filat may not become either acting head of the government, nor may he take this post again should he gain a parliamentary majority. In the court’s opinion, a person…
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
On 5 March, the Moldovan parliament passed a no-confidence vote on Prime Minister Vlad Filat’s cabinet, thanks to the combined votes of the Communist Party, the Democratic Party (PD) and the group of independent MPs gathered around Igor…