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Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
The focus of the CDU’s party congress in Hamburg (6-8 December) will be the election of a new leader. The best chances to take over as head of the party from Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has exercised this function for 18 years, are…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
On 6 November in the Bavarian parliament, a coalition of the CSU and the Free Voters (Freie Wähler, FW) re-elected the Bundesland’s former Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) for another term. The coalition has a majority of 112 out of 205…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
On 14 October residents of Bavaria, one of Germany’s richest federal states, elected 205 members of the local parliament. First place was once again taken - unalterably since 1954 - by the CSU, which garnered 37.2% of the votes. However,…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Frymark
The Christian Social Union (CSU) has ruled Bavaria continuously for sixty years. The CSU’s domination of the province’s political scene, together with its influence on federal policies through its partnership with the CDU in the Bundestag…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark, Mateusz Chudziak
On 27-29 September, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid a state visit to Berlin, where he met President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel. Their discussions focused on the economy, migration, the fight…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark, Konrad Popławski
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the French president, Emmanuel Macron, signed a declaration on 19 June in Meseberg.
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark, Anna Kwiatkowska
Angela Merkel’s government finds itself in its deepest crisis since she became Chancellor in 2005.
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark, Konrad Popławski
The results of the French president’s visit to Berlin prove that Germany is unwilling to support the proposals for thorough reforms of the eurozone.
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark, Justyna Gotkowska
The signing of the coalition agreement between the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats was intended to bring an end to the political crisis in Germany.
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
On 28th August a meeting was held in France on limiting the migration from Africa to the European Union.