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Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
In response to the financial trouble of Germany’s financial institutions, the German Ministry of Finance is preparing a law which will enable the state to forcibly buy shares in banks facing financial problems.
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
A German-French summit concerning eurozone reform took place on 5 December in Paris. At the press conference at the conclusion of the talks, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy said an attempt to amend the treaties…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
Germany is expected to treat the issue of the ‘elite bonds’ as an alternative scenario, should EU member states not agree to amend the regulations of the treaty concerning the eurozone put forward by Germany.
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
A debate on the future shape of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–2020 took place in the Bundestag on 24 November. The CDU/CSU/FDP government coalition and the opposition SPD presented their conclusions during the debate.
OSW Report | | Konrad Popławski
The aim of this report is to look at the EU budget from the point of view of Germany as one of the greatest beneficiaries of EU policies. The text presents the significance of particular budget items for Germany, such as the Common…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
On 12 October the European Commission (EC) presented a draft vision of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for 2014-2020. The EC's draft also included a proposal to slightly increase funding for farmers from the EU new member states with…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
Germany is determined to rescue the euro on condition that profound changes are going to be conducted. Germany is working to introduce mechanisms for sanctions on excessive borrowing, namely the creation of a European Stabilisation…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
A priority task for Germany is to restrain the unfavourable net balance of this country mainly by introducing a mechanism reducing Germany’s financial obligations and by scaling down the expenses on the Cohesion Policy, which no longer…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
The Federal Statistical Office published complete data regarding German foreign trade on 18 February. The data for 2010 – in which the German economy strongly rebounded and GDP grew 3.6% – show how the trends in German foreign trade have…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Konrad Popławski
Germany’s stance on the reform of the eurozone has been evolving for some time and reaches far beyond its initial appeal for reinforcing the Stability and Growth Pact. Firstly, Chancellor Angela Merkel approved the French proposal for…