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OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski, Sandra Baniak
The twentieth anniversary of Central Europe’s accession to the EU should not only be an occasion to celebrate the region’s
OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski, Sandra Baniak, Adam Michalski, Marcin Popławski
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has now been ongoing for almost two years, is not only leading to significant political re-evaluations, but is also bringing with it significant transformations in Eurasian transport routes. One of the…
OSW Report |
| Sławomir Matuszak, Tadeusz Iwański, Konrad Popławski, Andrzej Wilk
1. GDP
2. Industrial production
3. Inflation
Point of View |
| Konrad Popławski
The German automotive sector’s strong global position is one of the country’s greatest economic success stories. In 2018, two out of the three top global automakers achieving the highest sales volumes originated from Germany, and 80% of…
OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski, Rafał Bajczuk
For several decades industry has been the strength of the German economy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by the wide use of the internet &digital technologies in all spheres of the economy, is transforming the market…
OSW Studies |
| Jakub Jakóbowski, Konrad Popławski, Marcin Kaczmarski
The report discusses the current state and future prospects of rail connections between China and the countries of the European Union. Special emphasis is placed on the role of Central Europe.
OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski
The latest results from the Visegrád Group states show them to be Germany’s most important trading partner.
OSW Studies |
| Konrad Popławski
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership offers a chance for improving relations between Germany and the USA for the first time in many years.
OSW Report |
| Konrad Popławski
The Eurozone crisis has forced German exporters to speed up their expansion onto the emerging markets, in particular Brazil, Russia, India and China
OSW Report |
| Marta Zawilska-Florczuk, Konrad Popławski, Anna Kwiatkowska, Piotr Buras
Zainicjowana w maju 2011 roku, kilka miesięcy po awarii elektrowni atomowej w Fukushimie transformacja energetyczna RFN przedstawiana jest jako decyzja ostateczna, a ze względu na narzucone tempo zmian stanowi nową jakość w strategii…