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Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
On 29 November, Russian troops occupied the village of Khromove, which borders Bakhmut from the west; they had failed to capture it back in spring when they occupied the town. They also expanded the area under their control around the…
Analyses | | Jakub Ber, Piotr Żochowski
The weather conditions have significantly curbed the activity of the warring parties. On Friday 24 November, a thaw occurred in eastern and southern Ukraine (with temperatures exceeding 10 degrees in places), turning fields and unpaved…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
Deteriorating weather conditions on the front have limited both sides’ offensive operations, but at the local level they are nevertheless still making attempts to break through their opponents’ defences. Russian forces have made further…
Analyses | | Jakub Ber, Piotr Żochowski, Jacek Tarociński
https://www.osw.waw.pl/en/armsdeliveriesThe heaviest recent fighting was seen around the Avdiivka area, where the Russians consistently sought to advance to the rear of the defending Ukrainian force. The Russian attacks concentrated on the…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
Russian forces are continuing to advance on the northern flank of Avdiivka; among other things, they have succeeded in driving the defenders out of the village of Stepove, although they have not taken control of it (it remains in no-man’s-…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
Russian forces made slight advances on the south-eastern outskirts of Avdiivka and on the western side of the railway line north of that town (in the area of the village of Stepove). The invaders also entered Klishchiivka south-west of…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
Russian forces have made slight advances in the Avdiivka area, narrowing the width of the belt linking the town to Ukrainian-controlled areas to 6–8 km. They are also moving north and south-west of Bakhmut, where, according to the…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
On 3 November, which in Ukraine is celebrated as Rocket Forces and Artillery Day, a Russian Iskander-M missile struck a group of artillerymen of the ‘Zakarpattia’ 128th Mountain Assault Brigade who were getting ready to receive their…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
On 1 November, the Economist published an interview with the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, as well as an article by him in which he admitted that the situation at the front had reached a “dead end”…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
Russian forces recorded advances to the south-east of Avdiivka, where they took up positions in the built-up area of the town; according to some sources, they also made progress to its south-west, reaching the main line of Ukrainian…