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Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
On 19 July, on the first reading, the State Duma adopted a draft law on raising the retirement age of women from 55 to 63 years and men from 60 to 65.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
The ceremony of swearing in Vladimir Putin for a fourth presidency took place on 7 May at the Kremlin.
Analyses |
| Ewa Fischer, Jadwiga Rogoża
The past year of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation has shown that any resolution of the peninsula’s problems seems unlikely in the near future.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
Congress of the European radical right is one of the Kremlin’s measures aimed at creating pro-Russian lobbies in the West.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
Zamiast wyroku więzienia dla Nawalnego, skazano jego brata, który ma być swego rodzaju zakładnikiem i dawać władzom narzędzie nacisku na opozycjonistę.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
The State Duma in the second and third readings immediately adopted a new law to limit the number of shares which foreign shareholders can hold in Russian media companies.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
The regional elections illustrate the evolution of the socio-political situation in Russia, which has taken on its final shape following the annexation of Crimea.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża, Witold Rodkiewicz, Agata Wierzbowska-Miazga
Russia’s strategic goal regarding Ukraine remains unchanged – the permanent subordination of that country.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża, Ewa Fischer
The Kremlin’s confrontational attitude towards the West means that we cannot expect the sanctions and the economic effects of the deterioration of Russia’s image to alleviate its political course in the short term.
Analyses |
| Jadwiga Rogoża
On 5 May President Vladimir Putin signed a law which changes the rules regulating the transmission and dissemination of information on the Internet.