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Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The objectives of this strategy are twofold: to use foreign capital and technology to increase extraction in Russia, and to strengthen Russia’s presence on foreign markets by exchanging assets with businesses outside Russia.
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, Kamil Kłysiński, Iwona Wiśniewska
The chances of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus creating a common market in the planned form and by the intended deadline are limited. Closer cooperation between those countries will be the result of a lengthy and difficult process.
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The Russian model of cooperation between itself and the EU – based on an exchange of investments and the transfer of technology from the EU, in exchange for Russian raw materials – has limited prospects of actually coming to fruition.
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The main reason for undertaking the privatisation is to support public finances, while simultaneously keeping financial assets in stabilisation funds. These may be used if a crisis situation reoccurs, or if there is a need to calm public…
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
Having concluded the agreement with Norway, Russia’s position in negotiations over the division of the Arctic and in the discussion on European security may be strengthened.
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The unusually high temperatures seen in Russia since mid-June have caused a huge series of wildfires in central Russia. The scale of the disaster has laid bare the weakness of Russia’s state structures against natural disasters and also…
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The nature of the CU and the manner of its introduction show that for Russia, the move is above all of political significance, and serves to strength Moscow’s influence in the region.
OSW Report | | Agata Dubas, Jadwiga Rogoża, Iwona Wiśniewska
The financial reserves accumulated in times of prosperity (more than US$162 billion in the stabilisation funds and nearly US$598 billion in the currency and gold reserve) alleviated the negative impact of the crisis, although this failed…
Point of View | | Iwona Wiśniewska
This study describes the two main economic processes observed in Russia during President Vladimir Putin's second term; renationalisation, and the concentration of economic assets.
OSW Studies | | Ewa Paszyc, Iwona Wiśniewska
After a dramatic economic decline after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the financial breakdown of 1998, the Russian economy has begun to emerge from its deep crisis. The years 1999-2004 were a period of dynamic development in all…