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Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Marta Zawilska-Florczuk
The parliamentary election on 22 September ended in spectacular victory for the Christian Democrats, who would have gained an outright majority had they won only five more seats. To form a government, they will have to enter into tough…
OSW Report | | Marta Zawilska-Florczuk, Konrad Popławski, Anna Kwiatkowska, Piotr Buras
Zainicjowana  w maju 2011 roku, kilka miesięcy po awarii elektrowni atomowej w Fukushimie transformacja energetyczna RFN przedstawiana jest jako decyzja ostateczna, a ze względu na narzucone tempo zmian stanowi nową jakość w strategii…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Witold Rodkiewicz
The 14th German-Russian intergovernmental consultations took place in Moscow on 16 November. The meeting had originally been scheduled for October, but it was delayed due to the ongoing cooling of political relations between Berlin and…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Konrad Popławski
On 4 October, the EU commissioner for energy, Gunther Oettinger warned of the excessive costs of climate protection which are leading to deindustrialisation and – as a consequence – to a dramatic fall in industry’s share in the creation…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska
The implementation of the key guidelines of the new energy strategy, such as the development of the transmission networks, the construction of small and efficient conventional power plants, and the reduction of subsidies for the solar…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Marta Zawilska-Florczuk
On 16 May, the German president, Joachim Gauck, acting upon a motion by Chancellor Angela Merkel, dismissed Norbert Roettgen (CDU) from the post of minister for the natural environment of Germany. The justification for the dismissal of…
OSW Commentary | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Konrad Mazur
One year after the events of Fukushima the implementation of the new German energy strategy adopted in the summer of 2011 is being verified.
Analyses | | Tadeusz Iwański, Anna Kwiatkowska, Rafał Sadowski
The stakes in the political conflict between the EU and Ukraine over Yulia Tymoshenko are the future of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), and thus the whole of the EU’s eastern dimension as a tool for the progressive, sectoral integration…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska
On 29 March the heads of the two largest German energy companies - E.ON and RWE announced that the companies were withdrawing from plans to construct nuclear power plants in the UK. The managements of the two companies have justified…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Konrad Popławski
On 8 February at the session of the Commission for European Union, Michael Link (FDP), secretary of state at the Foreign Ministry, acting on behalf of the German government ensured that the fiscal pact agreed on 30 January was still only…