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Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
Between 31 May and 7 June, President Vladimir Putin paid his first visits abroad since his re-election, to visit Belarus, Germany, France, Uzbekistan, China and Kazakhstan in succession. He also took part in the Russia-EU summit in St.…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The dynamics of relations between Russia and China, both in the economic and political and military areas, confirms an ongoing shift in the balance of power in their bilateral relations to China's advantage.
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
On 14 March, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed his country’s readiness to make Ulyanovsk airport available to NATO for the transit of so-called non-lethal loads (the definition of which is quite flexible, and is…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
On 27 February, Vladimir Putin published an article devoted to his plans for foreign policy. The article is primarily intended for internal consumption, and by drawing upon the syndrome of 'a fortress besieged (by the USA)', it is…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The actions Russia has taken during the political crisis in and around Syria, and the rhetoric of Russian politicians, have by no means been unanimous. On one hand, Russia is actively supporting Bashar Assad’s regime. On the other hand,…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
On 23 November, President Dmitry Medvedev issued a statement in which he accused the United States and other NATO member states of a lack of readiness to consider Russian proposals regarding the missile defence.
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
Russian policy towards the Korean Peninsula has been intensifying for several months. In August 2011 the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Il, paid a visit to Russia; the main topic was the construction of the trans-Korean pipeline. In…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
During Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit to China on 11-12 October, a memorandum was signed on cooperation in the field of economic modernisation, as was an agreement to establish a Russian-Chinese investment fund with capital of US$3-…
OSW Commentary | | Marcin Kaczmarski, Agata Wierzbowska-Miazga
In recent months work on the establishment of the Russian development assistance system has been accelerated. This move proves that the Kremlin attaches weight to activity in this area which is an element of soft power politics, the…
OSW Commentary | | Marcin Kaczmarski
Russia's policy towards the Middle East is instrumental. Its activity in the region has been growing since the middle of the last decade, and its aim is to help Moscow achieve its objectives in other areas, particularly in its policies…