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Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski, Piotr Żochowski
Regardless of whether Russia decides to escalate the political dispute over the shield, or whether it adopts the tactic of prolonging the negotiations, the chances of modifying the shape of the MD system or preventing the deployment of…
Point of View | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The changes which have taken place in Russian-US relations are not durable. The two parties have not resolved their major disputes (for example, regarding missile defence), and any differences are hushed up for tactical reasons.
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
Russia has agreed to the use of force against Libya because of the position the Arab countries had taken, and because of its own strategic relations with France, but the well-publicised difference of opinions between Prime Minister and…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The public protests in North African countries which started at the end of January have met with a limited reaction in Russia. Moscow has appealed to the parties to refrain from using force, and has stressed the necessity of adhering to…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The visit by the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara to Moscow on 11 February has not helped to alleviate the tensions in Russian-Japanese relations, which have been ongoing since President Dmitri Medvedev’s visit to the disputed…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
On 22 December, the US Senate agreed to ratify the new Russian-US START treaty regarding the reduction of strategic nuclear arms, and appended to it a declaration which provided an interpretation of selected provisions of the treaty. The…
OSW Commentary | | Marcin Kaczmarski
Both this rhetoric and the atmosphere of co-operation in relations with the USA and the EU contrast with the assertive and aggressive Russian policy which was symbolised by and culminated in the Russian-Georgian conflict of 2008.
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The course and the results of President Medvedev’s visit to the USA (22-24 June) show that the improvement in Russian-American relations has not become permanent yet. On the one hand, there are noticeable elements of the new model of…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
Moscow’s actions during the Iran crisis are a sign of its efforts to provide political support to Barack Obama’s administration. Moscow recognises that Obama’s policy can bring it specific benefits, and so it is endeavouring to ensure the…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski, Jadwiga Rogoża
Russia is modifying its historical policy; it is giving up its vindications of Stalin, while at the same time defending the concept of the USSR’s role as liberator during the Second World War.