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Point of View | | Justyna Gotkowska
This reform of the Bundeswehr, launched in 2011, is the latest of the three decisive stages in the post-war transformation of the German armed forces. The reform aims at “constructing” the armed forces anew in the political, military and…
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
The defence ministers of NATO member states decided on 2 February in Brussels that the command centre of the missile defence system would be located at the Headquarters Allied Air Command Ramstein, Germany. The German defence minister,…
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
In German exports for 2010 the largest profits were brought by exports of ships and armoured vehicles. In recent years exports of electronic equipment have been also gaining importance.
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
Until 2014, Germany will be gradually and slowly reducing its contingent in the north of Afghanistan, where it is in charge of Regional Command North. In 2012, the German contingent’s limit will be reduced from 5,350 to 4,900 soldiers,…
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
On 15 September, Germany’s minister of defence, Thomas de Maizière, visited Moscow. Among those he met was his Russian counterpart, Anatoly Serdyukov. One of the issues they discussed were the military reforms currently being conducted in…
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
On 18-19 July the 13th German-Russian intergovernmental consultations were held in Hanover. A dozenor so ministers from each country participated in the consultations along with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Dmitri Medvedev.
OSW Commentary | | Justyna Gotkowska
Germany’s stance, apart from finishing off a certain process, is also setting a starting point for a discussion inside Germany about its military engagement in international security policy. This will bring about a more assertive and…
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
The reform of the Bundeswehr is aimed at professionalising the army and strengthening it expeditionary profile. In parallel, in Germany it is being discussed where, when and how the Germany army should be deployed.
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
The German government’s stance on Libya, namely abstaining from the vote on the UN Security Council’s resolution, and the decision that the Bundeswehr will not take part in the international intervention are linked primarily to its…
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
The revolutions and power shifts in the countries of North Africa provide an opportunity for Germany to strengthen its position in the region and join France and Italy as an equal partner in creating the EU policy towards its Southern…