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Analyses | | Tadeusz A Olszański
On 25 June a new lawsuit against Yulia Tymoshenko began in Kharkiv. The indictment relates to tax fraud by the United Energy Systems of Ukraine company (YESU), of which Tymoshenko was president in 1995-1997, and also concealment of her…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak, Tadeusz A Olszański
The country’s government assumed, during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych alike, that Euro 2012 would provide a major impulse for economic development and show that the young Ukrainian state was capable of…
OSW Studies | | Tadeusz A Olszański
In  Ukraine,  alongside  Ukrainians,  there  are very many Russians and members of other nationalities of the former Soviet Union as well as a still large group of people who identify themselves as Soviets (in terms of their nationality).…
Analyses | | Tadeusz A Olszański
On 14 February, the Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, dismissed Andriy Klyuyev from his post of first deputy prime minister and minister for the economy, and nominated him Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (…
Analyses | | Tadeusz A Olszański
On 17 November, the Supreme Council adopted new regulations for parliamentary elections. Thus a new mixed system has been introduced, which imposes a ban on creating electoral blocs and raises the electoral threshold from 3% to 5%. The new…
Analyses | | Wojciech Konończuk, Tadeusz A Olszański
On 20 October, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Andriy Kluyev and the EU Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht announced that the parties have concluded negotiations on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). The Commissioner…
Analyses | | Sławomir Matuszak, Tadeusz A Olszański
On 11 October, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko, was convicted and sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment. In addition, the court ruled that she was forbidden from holding public office for three years, and was…
Analyses | | Tadeusz A Olszański
On 12 September the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko was adjourned. The court did not repeal Yulia Tymoshenko's temporary arrest that has been in effect since 5 August. The official reason for the break was the willingness to grant the parties…
Analyses | | Marta Jaroszewicz, Sławomir Matuszak, Tadeusz A Olszański
The former prime minister’s arrest is a sign of the intensifying political dispute in Ukraine between the ruling camp and Tymoshenko’s supporters before next year's parliamentary elections. The trial is political in nature; its aim is to…
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz A Olszański
Svoboda is determined to fight the tendencies in Ukrainian politics and the social sphere which it considers pro-Russian. Its attitude towards Russia and Russians, furthermore, is unambiguously hostile. In the case of Poland, it reduces…