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Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
On 31 January, the Latvian parliament passed a governmental plan setting the rules for the introduction of the euro (the government coalition cast 52 of the 100 votes). According to this plan, the euro will replace the lats on 1 January…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
The new government of Lithuania led by Algirdas Butkevicius, a Social Democrat, won a vote of confidence in parliament on 13 December. The coalition, which has a constitutional majority, has been formed by centre-left groupings: the Social…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
Algirdas Butkevicius, the leader of the Social Democrats who won the parliamentary elections which ended on 28 October, has undertaken a mission to form the government. As he had promised, he commenced talks with the Labour Party and the…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
The first round of parliamentary elections in Lithuania took place on 14 October. 52.82% of the electorate voted, which determined just over half of the seats in the new parliament (70 MPs from party lists and 3 from single-mandate…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
On 3 October, the Lithuanian government decided to bring a lawsuit to arbitration in Stockholm against Gazprom. Lithuania claims that it has overpaid for Russian gas by about €1.45 billion since 2004.
OSW Commentary | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
The Lithuanian Seimas approved the government-sponsored proposal for the construction of a new nuclear power plant outside the Lithuanian city of Visaginas on 21 June. MPs cleared the government to sign the concession agreement (initialled…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
On 12 June, the Lithuanian parliament adopted a law prepared by the government to build an LNG terminal near Klaipeda, which is to come online by December 2014. However, the left-wing opposition and some liberal MPs were disturbed by the…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
The question as to whether the Russian Federation should assume responsibility for the occupation of the Baltic states is one of the key elements of the political dispute which prevents Moscow from normalising relations with Vilnius,…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
On 30 March a concession agreement was signed for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Visaginas in Lithuania between the Japanese-American company Hitachi and the Lithuanian intergovernmental commission dealing with concession…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein, Kamil Kłysiński
On 23 March, the EU decided to extend its sanctions on Belarus. The list of 232 people banned from entering the EU was extended by a further 12 names, including two major Belarusian businessmen suspected of financially supporting the…