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Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
A series of protests have taken place in Azerbaijan since the beginning of this year (12, 19, 23–24 and 26 January). Various social groups have been involved in them: young people, merchants and residents of Ismayilli. These were…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
On 18 January, at a meeting with the heads of foreign missions accredited in Astana, Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev questioned the need for deeper integration in the Eurasian Union which has been jointly developed with Russia…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
On 12 January, at Fountain Square in the centre of Baku, an illegal protest against violence in the military was held. The demonstration was attended by several hundred people, under the slogan of ‘Stop death in the army during peacetime…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, Marek Matusiak
The new head of the Georgian government, Bidzina Ivanishvili, visited the capital city of Azerbaijan, Baku on 26 December. This was his second foreign visit, after Brussels. What had originally been planned as a courtesy visit to become…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
On 20 November, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan lodged a motion in court seeking a ban on the organisations Alga!, Halyk Maidany and a number of mass media, including the TV stations K+ and Stan.tv, the newspapers Respublika…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
Between 21 and 28 September changes were made to key positions in the Kazakh state administration. The then deputy prime minister, Serik Akhmetov, was appointed as the new prime minister and four ministers were changed. At the sametime ,…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
On 17 September Turkey for the first time in its history issued five and a half year Islamic bonds (a financial instrument called sukuk) worth US$1.5 billion. The bonds were hugely popular with foreign investors – the demand reached nearly…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
During a visit by the Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Hui Liangyu on 12 September, the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov revealed the start in August of regular gas exports to China. This process was preceded by the signing of an Uzbek-…
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
On 31 August, Hungary handed over to Azerbaijan the Azeri officer who had been sentenced to life imprisonment (with no right to a reprieve for thirty years) for killing an Armenian soldier with an axe in Budapest in 2004 during a course…
OSW Commentary | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz
The Southern Gas Corridor is a European Commission initiative with the aim of facilitating the diversification of the routes and sources of gas imported into Europe in the hope of reducing the EU’s dependence on Russia. Although the…