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Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński, Krzysztof Nieczypor
On 10 October, the leader of the Belarusian opposition Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya proposed to President Volodymyr Zelensky that an alliance be formed between Ukraine and a free & democratic Belarus – i.e. the interim cabinet formed under…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński, Piotr Żochowski
On 27–28 September, representatives of the Belarusian and Russian defence ministries met in Moscow for talks on the prospects for military cooperation. Belarusian military officials announced an unannounced test of the combat &…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
Alyaksandr Lukashenka gave a keynote speech on Belarusian historical policy during the patriotic “This is our history!” forum which was held in Minsk on 17 September on the occasion of the National Unity Day celebrations. This public…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
On 9 August, during the ‘New Belarus’ conference organised in Vilnius on the second anniversary of the outbreak of mass protests against the falsified presidential election results, the Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, several independent opinion polls have been conducted. The Andrei Vardomatski Analytical Laboratory has carried some out by telephone and the British think tank Chatham House has done so online. These…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
During a meeting with the governor of the Kursk Oblast, Roman Starovoyt, on 9 June, Alexander Lukashenka announced that Russian financial support of $1.5 billion had been granted to Belarus. The funds are to be used to implement anti-…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
On 19 May the management of a Polish secondary school in Grodno informed the parents of its pupils that, as of the new school year, Russian and Belarusian will replace Polish as the languages used in classes. A similar solution is also to…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Kłysiński
In Q1 2022, Belarus’s GDP contracted by 0.4% – the first GDP decline since the end of 2020. Being Russia’s closest military ally, Belarus has made its territory available to the Russian Armed Forces, thereby joining Russia’s invasion of…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
In the light of the Lukashenka regime’s de facto complicity in the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Belarusian political circles in exile have undertaken a number of actions on the international stage.
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński
On 2 March, the Council of the European Union adopted a new package of restrictions against Belarus in response to its complicity in the Russian aggression against Ukraine. These sectoral economic sanctions are aimed at completely…