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Analyses | | Zuzanna Krzyżanowska, Marek Matusiak
The second round of Turkey’s presidential election was held on 28 May. According to partial results reported by the Supreme Election Commission (with more than 99% of the votes counted), the incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won the election…
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
After five days of fighting, on 13 May Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the second-largest armed group operating in Gaza (Hamas being the largest) agreed a ceasefire. This latest instalment of the confrontation was initiated by…
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
26–27 March 2023 saw a major escalation in the political protests that have been ongoing in Israel since January in connection with the government’s plan to reform the judiciary. It involved an increase in the scale of street protests (…
OSW Commentary | | Marek Matusiak
A new Israeli government was sworn in on 29 December 2022, as Benjamin Netanyahu took the helm as prime minister for the sixth time in his career, after a year and a half in opposition. Negotiations on forming a government coalition had…
Point of View | | Marek Matusiak
Israel is a developed, prosperous, internationally influential and militarily powerful country. At the same time, however, Israeli political life gives the impression of being constantly in crisis or on the verge of it. Early elections,…
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
On 30 June the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, adopted a motion to dissolve itself which had been submitted by the ruling coalition. A snap election will be held on 1 November. The coalition agreement laid out a rotation in the position…
OSW Commentary | | Marek Matusiak
The Russian aggression against Ukraine is taking place far from Israel’s borders and does not affect it directly. However, it poses a serious political problem for the government in Jerusalem, for at least two reasons. First of all, the…
Point of View | | Marek Matusiak
The arrival of more than one million immigrants from the former USSR back in the 1990s and post-2000 has resulted in a surge in Israel’s demographic and economic potential, sealed the domination of right-wing parties on the Israeli…
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
On 23 March, Israel will hold its fourth early parliamentary elections in two years (the previous ones took place on 9 April 2019, 17 September 2019 and 2 March 2020). Polls show that 11-12 groups may join the 120-person Knesset (there are…
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
Despite the special relations existing between the United States and Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris relatively late (with a Tweet on 8 November), without specifying what he was…