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Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources has presented a survey concerning potential deposits of shale gas in Germany, which had been ordered by the federal government. According to the survey, entitled ‘Shale gas…
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
E.ON, Germany’s largest energy company, announced on 3 July that a compromise had been reached with Gazprom concerning a reduction in price in the long-term contracts for the supply of Russian gas. This agreement was signed by Alexander…
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
On 13 June, the German media reported that the largest energy companies in the country have brought a case to the Federal Constitutional Court for breach of property rights, following the federal government’s decision to discontinue the…
OSW Commentary | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Konrad Mazur
One year after the events of Fukushima the implementation of the new German energy strategy adopted in the summer of 2011 is being verified.
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur, Konrad Popławski
Vattenfall (accounting for 89% of electricity produced in Germany) published their financial results for 2011. Vattenfall incurred losses of 2.6 billion euros, for E.ON the losses amounted to 2.2 billion euros. RWE and EnBW also ended…
Analyses | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Konrad Mazur
The bill is now being consulted at the ministerial level. After that it will be subject to public consultation and a vote at parliament in the first half of 2012. The aim of the bill is to impose stricter regulations concerning the…
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
The Management Board of RWE, which has so far backed the idea of this project, is currently making the company’s participation in the construction of the gas pipeline dependent on gas supplies being guaranteed under contracts with…
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
On 9 January, Germany’s Federal Association of Solar Energy Industry estimated that state budget subsidies for energy production from photovoltaic panels will be reduced by about 30% in 2012. German producers estimate that the smaller…
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
On 9 December the German Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger commented on the EU long-term energy strategy. Its premises are featured in the “Energy Roadmap 2050” which is set to be published this week.
Analyses | | Konrad Mazur
On 15 November, the operators of Germany’s four largest transmission networks (50 Hertz, Amprion, EnBW Transportnetze and Tennet) published a medium-term forecast for development of renewable energy sources (RES) in Germany.