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OSW Commentary | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Russia’s ruling elite believes that the outcome of the US presidential elections will have only a negligible impact on Washington’s policy towards Moscow, because the American establishment is convinced that Russia under Vladimir Putin has…
Analyses | | Mateusz Chudziak, Witold Rodkiewicz
On 19 February the Syrian armed opposition, supported by Turkish forces, attempted a counter-offensive against the Assad regime’s army, with support from Russian air forces. In the first phase, these actions enabled the opposition to break…
OSW Commentary | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Russia’s relations with Iran are almost entirely based on geopolitical considerations. The Russian elite perceives Iran as an essential, albeit difficult partner, with whom it shares a number of interests; a partner who understands the…
Analyses | | Witold Rodkiewicz
On 13 January in Moscow, Russia and Turkey made an attempt to convince the two warring sides in Libya – the Government of National Accord led by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and the parliament-backed commander of the Libyan National Army…
Analyses | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Since 2015, when the Russian Contact Group for Intra-Libyan Settlement was established, Russia has been actively rebuilding its political influence in that country. The Russian policy is of a dual nature. On the one hand, Moscow is clearly…
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska, Jadwiga Rogoża, Witold Rodkiewicz, Maria Domańska
On 20 February, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his annual address to the Federal Assembly (the combined chambers of parliament). The President’s speech was short and focused on social problems.
OSW Commentary | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Russia’s relations with Iran are almost entirely based on geopolitical assumptions. Both states are interested in weakening the position the United States holds in the region; both have a common enemy in the form of Sunni extremism.…
Analyses | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe’s efforts since 2013 to resolve the territorial dispute with Russia over the Kuril Islands, and as a consequence to sign a peace treaty, have not led to a breakthrough, and are unlikely to succeed. Abe…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala, Witold Rodkiewicz
On 17 January President Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to Serbia, where he met President Aleksander Vučić. The Russian president was accompanied by a large delegation of government and business representatives. During the visit,…
Point of View | | Witold Rodkiewicz
Russia’s long-term goal is to prevent the reunification of the Korean peninsula under the aegis of the United States and to weaken the US ’s position in the