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Analyses | | Marta Szpala
The opposition parties won the snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo on 6 October. According to exit polls, Vetëvendosje (Self-Determination), the anti-establishment party led by Albin Kurti, garnered 25.51% of the votes, and the centrist…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
On 24 June, Albania’s Electoral College  announced that the local election would be held as planned on 30 June this year. It thus  supported the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) that the decree of President Ilir Meta…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala, Ryszarda Formuszewicz
On 18th June the Council of the European Union again postponed the decision to open accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. Procedural questions linked with Germany’s failure to take a position were the official reason for…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
Over ten thousand people have been taking to the streets in Serbia every weekend since November 2018. The protesters are demanding dismissal of the government and the president, democratisation of the political system and for free…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala, Witold Rodkiewicz
On 17 January President Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to Serbia, where he met President Aleksander Vučić. The Russian president was accompanied by a large delegation of government and business representatives. During the visit,…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
On 11 January, a two-thirds majority in the Macedonian parliament adopted amendments to the constitution, which provide for a change in the name of the state to the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Members of the VMRO-DPMNE opposition…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
Nikola Gruevski, who served as the prime minister of Macedonia in 2006–2016, fled his country at the beginning of November and submitted a request for asylum in Hungary, which was granted. The former prime minister, whose passport was…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
A consultative referendum was held on 30 September in the Republic of Macedonia on integration into the EU and NATO, and an agreement with Greece changing the constitutional name of the country to the Republic of North Macedonia. 91.5% of…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
Several serious incidents were seen in Serbia-Kosovo relations between 3 and 9 September.
OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
The negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo aimed at reaching a comprehensive agreement to normalise relations between the two states are to enter a new phase in September.