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Analyses | | Michał Bogusz, Ryszarda Formuszewicz, Jakub Jakóbowski
On 21-27 March, the leader of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Xi Jinping, paid official bilateral visits to three European countries, Italy, Monaco and France. During these meetings a range of economic agreements were signed,…
Analyses | | Michał Bogusz, Mariusz Marszewski
The news published in the American and Indian press over the past few days confirmed the presence of a Chinese military base in south-eastern Tajikistan. Unofficial reports concerning this issue have been seen in the media over the past…
Analyses | | Krzysztof Dębiec, Jakub Groszkowski, Michał Bogusz, Jakub Jakóbowski
For several weeks there has been a public debate in the Czech Republic on possible threats to national security posed by the manufacturers of Chinese telecommunications equipment. Discussion on this subject was initiated by the National…
Analyses | | Michał Bogusz, Mariusz Marszewski
On 9 January, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan reported that Beijing has consented to allowing a group of around 2000 Chinese citizens of Kazakh origin to leave China for Kazakhstan, while waiving their Chinese citizenship.…
Analyses | | Witold Rodkiewicz, Michał Bogusz
The 4th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok was principally the setting for a meeting between Vladimir Putin and the leaders of China, Japan, Mongolia and South Korea.
OSW Commentary | | Michał Bogusz, Jakub Jakóbowski
At its annual session in March 2018, the National People’s Congress approved a series of changes to the structure and organisation of the Central People’s Government.