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Analyses | | Michał Kędzierski, Sebastian Płóciennik
In a joint statement on 29 September Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Economy Minister Robert Habeck and Finance Minister Christian Lindner announced that a financial ‘umbrella’ of up to €200 billion will be created for interventions on the energy…
Analyses | | Michał Kędzierski, Sebastian Płóciennik, Kamil Frymark
On September 14, the German government began deploying the third relief package – it passed a bill to introduce a Citizens’ Basic Income (Bürgergeld), which will replace a benefit for the long-term unemployed within the Hartz IV system (…
Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik
Due to the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and high inflation, the need to consolidate and strengthen anti-crisis tools in the eurozone is growing. An opportunity for this came at the beginning of May, when the head of the Eurogroup, Paschal…
OSW Commentary | | Sebastian Płóciennik
Germany is among the biggest beneficiaries of the global economic system based on free trade and on cross-border organisation of production. However, the functioning of this system has been recently disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic,…
OSW Commentary | | Sebastian Płóciennik
The Chinese government’s trade boycott of Lithuania risks causing economic losses for Germany and weakening the cohesion of the EU’s common market. However, Berlin is unlikely to take any decisive actions – such as pushing through…
OSW Commentary | | Sebastian Płóciennik
The adaptation of the economy and the state to new information technologies – next to the energy transformation (Energiewende) – is viewed as one of the greatest civilisational challenges Germany is currently facing. However, progress in…