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Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
Although data about hydrocarbon production in the Russian Federation has not been made public since April, information about the gas sector’s output was included in the industrial production indicators published by the Russian statistics…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
The OPEC+ summit: an increase in Russian oil exports at the expense of other producers. The OPEC+ summit was held on 4 June in Vienna, where the cartel decided to cut oil production in 2024 to a level of nearly 40.5 million barrels per day…
OSW Commentary | | Filip Rudnik
The technological sanctions which the West has imposed on Russia’s LNG sector have drastically reduced the opportunities for the industry’s expansion, and made it less likely that Russia can increase its share on the global LNG market.…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
On 11 April, Russia’s prime minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree authorising the sale of a nearly 27.5% stake in the state-owned company Sakhalinskaya Energiya, which is operating the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project in the Far East,…
Analyses | | Ilona Gizińska, Filip Rudnik, Andrzej Sadecki
Hungary’s foreign and trade minister Péter Szijjártó met Aleksander Novak, Russia’s deputy prime minister in charge of energy, and Rosatom head Alexei Likhachev in Moscow on 11 April. He stressed that despite the expected criticism from…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
On 21 March, during the Russian-Chinese bilateral talks, Vladimir Putin announced that “practically all the parameters” concerning the planned Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline had been agreed with the Chinese side. Russian media reported…