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Norbert Lammert, the speaker of the German parliament, on 8 October decided that the Office for the Stasi Archives should check how many agents the East German secret service had in the German parliament between 1949 and 1989. A motion…
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Chancellor Angela Merkel met on 9–10 October in Berlin with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The main subjects of the talks were the integration of Turks in Germany and the process of Turkey’s accession negotiations with the EU…
OSW Report | | Justyna Gotkowska
Contact network building and political lobbying, development co-operation programmes and foreign cultural and science policy are vital for supporting the German economy – which relies heavily on exports – and for the country’s ambition to…
Analyses | | Łukasz Antas
The German government has managed to prepare a compromise plan for modifying the energy industry that encompasses the reduction of CO2 emissions and imports of energy generators, including gas. Complaints made by the opposition may however…
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On 3 October the US Department of State issued a warning for American citizens about possible terrorist attacks in Europe. The British Foreign Office has also warned its citizens about the threat of terrorist attacks in France and Germany…
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The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the reunification of Germany held on 3 October provided an occasion to summarise the changes that have occurred in Germany over this period of time. Disparities between two parts of the country…
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On 22 September, the German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg decided to withdraw six Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, which had been used for surveillance tasks in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Germany’s withdrawal of the…
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A summit devoted to the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals agreed by the UN in 2000 was held on 20–22 September in New York. The summit was attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister for Development Co-…
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The SPD held an extraordinary party convention on 26 September, at the time of which the outline of a new party programme was presented. The convention marked a symbolic end to accounting for the defeat in the parliamentary elections in…
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On 17 September, the spokesman for the DVU (German People’s Union) announced the party leadership’s consent to a merger with the larger and more popular NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany). The parties are to merge by the end of…