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Analyses | | Ryszarda Formuszewicz
The CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, published an article on 10 March entitled Getting Europe right discussing the concept of European policy. In her article she responded to the appeal to the citizens of Europe announced by the…
OSW Report | | Konrad Popławski, Rafał Bajczuk
For several decades industry has been the strength of the German economy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by the wide use of the internet &digital technologies in all spheres of the economy, is transforming the market…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Kłysiński
2018 brought a continuation of the economic growth in Belarus which started in 2017 and which followed a period of recession that had lasted several years. This does not equate to a genuine improvement in the condition of the Belarusian…
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
The elections in Estonia have been won by the opposition liberal Reform Party, which got 28.8% of the votes and 34 seats in the 101-seat parliament. All indications are that the leader of this party, Kaja Kallas (the daughter of the party’…
OSW Commentary | | Krzysztof Nieczypor
Television plays a major role in the formation of public opinion in Ukraine. For 85% of the population, it represents their main source of information. By providing information about candidates in an election, their manifestos, and events…
Analyses | | Michał Bogusz, Mariusz Marszewski
The news published in the American and Indian press over the past few days confirmed the presence of a Chinese military base in south-eastern Tajikistan. Unofficial reports concerning this issue have been seen in the media over the past…
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
In the parliamentary elections in Moldova held on 24 February, the pro-Russian Party of Socialists (PSRM) associated with President Igor Dodon received the most support. The party obtained 31.15% of the proportional vote on the national…
OSW Commentary | | Justyna Gotkowska
This year’s Munich Security Conference has laid bare the differences in the US and German visions of international order and security in speeches given by Chancellor Angela Merkel and US Vice President Mike Pence. Germany fundamentally…
Analyses | | Agata Łoskot-Strachota
On 20 February, the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the EU Council (COREPER) endorsed a compromise version of the amendments to the gas directive which had been agreed a week earlier during the tripartite ‘trilogue’ meeting with…
Analyses | | Krzysztof Dębiec
Since 17 February, only four judges have been members of Slovakia’s Constitutional Court; according to the constitution, there should be thirteen of them. This situation is a consequence of the failure of two votes held in parliament last…