2301 - 2310 z 3758
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz A Olszański
Russia's policy has forced Kyiv to undertake legislative work on constitutional reform as a matter of urgency.
Analyses | | Jakub Groszkowski
Slovakia’s good relations with Gazprom have a decisive impact on Bratislava’s stance on the reversal issue.
Analyses | | Szymon Ananicz
By deciding to join the Customs Union, Armenia has relinquished yet more of its sovereignty in the areas of domestic and foreign policy and the economy to Russia.
Analyses | | Szymon Kardaś
Moscow tries to use the Ukrainian crisis as a pretext to revise gas cooperation with the EU.
Analyses | | Wojciech Konończuk
The development of the Ukrainian crisis, including the possible destabilisation of other regions, will depend on whether Kyiv accepts Moscow’s demands.
OSW Commentary | | Marek Matusiak
The new Georgian leadership is facing strategic domestic and geopolitical challenges, compounded by the current conflict in Ukraine.
Analyses | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, Krzysztof Strachota
The undisguised purpose of appointment of a new Prime Minister is to strengthen the government, both against internal and external challenges.
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
The current Russian-Ukrainian conflict will not contribute to a change in Germany’s security policy and the shape of the German Armed Forces.
Analyses | | Arkadiusz Sarna
The prolonged political crisis in Ukraine has contributed to the deepening of its economic recession, which has already lasted almost two years.
Analyses | | Tadeusz Iwański, Marek Menkiszak
The events of recent days would not have been possible without Russian support for the weak separatist forces in the region.