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OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
In 2011 Croatia entered the final stage of its accession negotiations with the EU. The completion of these negotiations will probably coincide with the parliamentary elections which should be held in November or December this year. The…
Analyses | | Artur Ciechanowicz
This resolution can be seen as a catalogue of the current priorities of the German policy of history. The adopted document is dominated by the point of view promoted for example by the Federation of Expellees, which claims that the German…
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Following the order of the Hungarian General Prosecutor's Office the former manager of the the national asset management company MNV Miklós Tátrai, the state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2005-2009 Márta Horváthné Fekszi…
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On 11 February the president of the Bundesbank, Axel Weber announced that he will not stand for another term in office. This decision also means that he will not apply for the position of the president of the European Central Bank (ECB).…
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On 10 – 11 February Latvia's president, Valdis Zatlers paid an official visit to Lithuania. That was the first visit of Latvia's head of state in 10 years. In his talks with Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite, Zatlers sought above…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The visit by the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara to Moscow on 11 February has not helped to alleviate the tensions in Russian-Japanese relations, which have been ongoing since President Dmitri Medvedev’s visit to the disputed…
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13 February saw a test transmission by the first Muslim television station in Russia. The founding of this station, which will be supervised by the pro-government Board of Muftis of Russia, should on the one hand be seen as a gesture…
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Marian Lupu, the speaker of Moldova’s parliament and interim president, was treated in a distinctly offhand manner during his working visit to Moscow on 7 February. This should be considered an expression of Russia’s displeasure at his…
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On 14 February, independent Russian media published a recording of an interview with Natalia Vasilyeva, the spokesperson for the local court in the Khamovniki district of Moscow, in which she describes the political pressure exerted on the…
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According to the Belarusian Central Bank, the level of foreign reserve assets decreased in January by US$700 million, and is currently at its lowest level since October 2009. This downward plunge threatens the stability of the state’s…