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On 30 November, more than a month and a half after the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan, a coalition agreement was signed between three of the five parliamentary parties. However, no government was appointed; the coalition fell apart…
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With reference to Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski’s visit to the United States on 9 December, Russia has criticised the announcements that American fighter and transport aircraft will be deployed in Poland. The Russian foreign…
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At the beginning of December, the centre of Moscow saw a number of illegal demonstrations by several thousand supporters of the Moscow Spartak football club and members of nationalist organisations, after the death on 6 December of a…
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RosUkrEnergo (RUE), a former Russian/Ukrainian intermediary company engaged in gas export, has reached an agreement with Naftogaz Ukraine and Gazprom on the adjudication by a court of arbitration in Stockholm, which requires Naftogaz to…
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On 10 December, an illegal protest by around a thousand people took place in Baku in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Education against the de facto ban on wearing the hijab in schools. The immediate cause of the demonstration…
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On 10 December, the US Congress ratified an agreement on civilian nuclear cooperation with Russia (the so-called 123 Agreement), which opens up the American market to the Russian nuclear industry. Thus, after a failed attempt to cooperate…
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On 9 December, President Viktor Yanukovych issued a decree reducing the number of ministries from 20 to 16, subordinating the ministries to the deputy prime ministers, and creating around a dozen new central offices. These changes in the…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak
Ukraine's consent to send oil to Belarus along the Odessa-Brody pipeline shows that the government in Kyiv is ready to engage in projects they consider profitable, even those that run counter to Russian interests. Ukraine’s adoption of…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
The recently passed budget law indicates that the federal government intends to consolidate the budget primarily by increasing revenue while only slightly reducing public spending.
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Serbia received a membership questionnaire from the European Commission on 24 November. The Serbian government wants to be granted candidate status in the second half of 2011. For this reason it has announced that it will return the…