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On 3 October the US Department of State issued a warning for American citizens about possible terrorist attacks in Europe. The British Foreign Office has also warned its citizens about the threat of terrorist attacks in France and Germany…
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On 3 October candidates of the Fidesz party and their partners, the Christian Democrats, won in the local election in most towns and gained the majority of the vote in provincial parliaments and local councils. The ruling right has a…
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The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the reunification of Germany held on 3 October provided an occasion to summarise the changes that have occurred in Germany over this period of time. Disparities between two parts of the country…
Analyses | | Jadwiga Rogoża
The departure of Russia’s most influential regional leader ends the process which the current ruling elite had undertaken of replacing the regional elites, and more broadly, dismantling the structures which had been left over from the…
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On 22 September, Ukraine’s government endorsed the result of a contest of 6 September, according to which a plant producing nuclear fuel will be constructed on the basis of Russian technology. In the wake of previous decisions on fuel…
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In mid-September, Uzbekistan’s state railway company finished the construction of de facto first rail line on Afghanistan’s territory, running from the border to Mazar-i-Sharif, the biggest city in the north, which is 75 km away. The end…
Analyses |
On 28 September, President Dmitri Medvedev signed a law to create an innovation centre at Skolkovo near Moscow. In accordance with the law’s guidelines, a legal-economic enclave supporting research and development in economic fields which…
Analyses |
On 23 September, the Russian government accepted the plan for the 2011 budget, as well as the main outlines for budgets for 2012 and 2013. In accordance with these plans, the budget deficit will be maintained over the next three years, and…
Analyses |
On 23 September, the Russian government confirmed an improvement in the quality of Moldovan wines exported to Russia, and increased the number of Moldovan wine producers permitted onto the Russian market; it also opened a second customs…
Analyses | | Paweł Siarkiewicz
Several days before the parliamentary elections in Latvia, which are due to be held on 2 October, the Harmony Centre – the party supported by the Russian-speaking electorate – is leading the polls, slightly ahead of the ruling centre-right.