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Analyses | | Krzysztof Strachota
The army’s spectacular defeat in the fight with rebels in the Rasht Valley has laid bare the frailty of Tajikistan and the policy of its president; at the same time it has opened the country up to massive internal shocks. This poses a risk…
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During President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s visit to Kyiv on 14-15 September, agreement was reached concerning the resumption of Kazakh oil transit through Ukrainian territory. The resumption of transit and supplies will have great…
Analyses | | Tomasz Dąborowski
The chances of Romania and Bulgaria joining the Schengen Area in March 2011 are looking slim
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On 14 September, the parliament of Republika Srpska (RS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted a state property act under which the republic’s government is taking over control of state-owned real estate located in RS. The government of RS…
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On 17 September, the spokesman for the DVU (German People’s Union) announced the party leadership’s consent to a merger with the larger and more popular NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany). The parties are to merge by the end of…
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The international historical conference ‘Flight, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansings’ took place in Berlin on 16–18 September. During a meeting held by the German History Museum (DHM) and the Association of History Museums from Luxembourg,…
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Germany wants to push through changes in the European Commission’s draft regulation on subsidies for coal mining, which is not in line with the German strategy for this sector.
Analyses | | Krzysztof Strachota
Tajikistan is currently witnessing small-scale armed clashes, bomb attacks and signs of political tensions. The continuation of these trends would mean the strengthening of a ‘zone of instability’ linking Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Analyses | | Sławomir Matuszak
Considering Brussels and Kyiv’s current attitudes, the likelihood of a quick agreement is small.
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On 10-12 September, the three biggest Russian TV stations broadcast programs embarrassing to the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov. The attack on the mayor by state-controlled television may demonstrate that a part of the ruling elite is…