1051 - 1060 z 3752
Analyses | | Agata Łoskot-Strachota
Natural gas prices are breaking new records on EU gas hubs: they have risen by about 250-300% this year. This is due to the rapid economic recovery after the pandemic, the unusually cold winter of 2020-1, low levels in storages, the…
Analyses | | Szymon Kardaś
On 27 August this year, the Russian daily Kommersant reported that on 13 August, the president of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, sent a letter to the Russian president in which he requested that the largest Russian oil company be granted the right…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Całus
Romania stands out as having one of the EU’s least developed systems of online public services, which contrasts with its extensive telecommunications infrastructure offering very fast and cheap access to the network. This is due both to…
Analyses | | Maria Domańska
On 17–19 September, parliamentary elections were held in Russia, as were regional and local elections in some regions. 450 deputies to the State Duma (the lower house of parliament) were elected, as well as 9 governors and 39 regional…
OSW Commentary | | Justyna Gotkowska
In the EU, work is underway on the Strategic Compass, a security strategy that is intended to define the Union’s priorities in crisis management, capability development, partnerships and resilience for the next 5–10 years. It aims to…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
The centre-left won a majority in Norway’s parliamentary election held on 13 September. This marks the end of the centre-right governments led by the Conservative Party (Høyre) with Erna Solberg as prime minister (2013–2021). The winning…
Analyses | | Sławomir Matuszak
The situation in mid-September shows that only 12.6% of the population in Ukraine has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 – the lowest rate in Europe. The declining rate of vaccination matches up with the results of opinion polls. On 13…
Analyses | | Piotr Żochowski
The presidents of Russia and Belarus, Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka met for the fifth time this year in Moscow on 9 September. They discussed the implementation of the schedule for the integration of Belarus and Russia as part…
Analyses | | Szymon Kardaś
On 6 September, Nord Stream 2 AG, which is 100% controlled by Gazprom, announced the completion of pipe laying for the second branch of the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipeline. On 10 June Gazprom confirmed that pipeline construction had been…
OSW Commentary | | Martyna Wasiuta
Against the backdrop of the CEE region, the Czech Republic stands out when it comes to the digitisation of the country’s economy and society. The achievements of its private sector in this field make it one of the leaders of digitisation…