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Gazprom Export held a gas auction for European customers for the third time in the past twelve months.
Russia wants to place part of the responsibility for the deterioration of air safety in the region on NATO member states.
Turkey is regaining its ability to act in Syria, although it is proceeding as the weaker partner, one which is dependent on Russia.
Point of View | | Wojciech Konończuk
More than two years after the Maidan revolution, it is fully justified to say that the oligarchic system remains a key mechanism in Ukraine’s political and economic life. The oligarchs have been able to hold on to their influence thanks to…
The dissatisfaction with Angela Merkel’s migration policy has hit a new high after the July attacks in Germany.
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Maria Domańska, Wojciech Konończuk, Wojciech Górecki
It may be assumed that Russia intends to use the present escalation of exchanges of fire to put more pressure on Kyiv, and mainly on the West.
OSW Commentary | | Jakub Jakóbowski, Marcin Kaczmarski
A dispute between EU and China regarding the interpretation of the conditions of Beijing’s accession to the WTO and the future of trade relations.
OSW Commentary | | Jakub Jakóbowski
Developments in the Chinese coal sector have revealed a series of fundamental challenges to the changes in China’s economic model.
Analyses | | Artur Ciechanowicz
These attacks – even if they were unrelated – add credibility to slogans heard from anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groupings.
Analyses | | Maciej Falkowski
Whatever the solution to the crisis over the occupied police station, internal chaos in Armenia is likely to deteriorate in the coming weeks.