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Analyses | | Kamil Całus
The Russian restrictions come as a consequence of Chisinau signing and ratifying of the Association Agreement with the EU.
Analyses | | Jakub Groszkowski
The snap parliamentary election of 13 July has significantly remodelled the Slovenian political scene.
Analyses | | Kamil Całus
It should be expected that Russia will use the deteriorating social and economic situation in Transnistria for propaganda purposes.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło
The reports on the upsurge in the number of Ukrainian refugees in Russia have become an important element of the Kremlin's media propaganda.
Analyses | | Justyna Gotkowska
The Norwegian conservatives made corrections to Norwegian security and defence policy.
Analyses | | Rafał Sadowski, Agata Wierzbowska-Miazga
Given the military defeats of the rebels and deepening divides between them, Kyiv’s position in political negotiations is becoming ever stronger.
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz A Olszański
After Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Crimean Tatars face the necessity of working out a modus vivendi.
Analyses | | Joanna Hyndle-Hussein
By taking control of Gazprom’s shares, Lithuania has marked the beginning of new relations between Vilnius and the Russian company.
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
Despite the good results, the scale of Georgian Dream’s victory is less than pre-election expectations.
Analyses | | Szymon Kardaś, Wojciech Konończuk
Both countries are prepared for lengthy litigation as they are aware that the future model of bilateral gas co-operation is at stake.