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Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
On 23 November, President Dmitry Medvedev issued a statement in which he accused the United States and other NATO member states of a lack of readiness to consider Russian proposals regarding the missile defence.
Analyses | | Tadeusz A Olszański
On 17 November, the Supreme Council adopted new regulations for parliamentary elections. Thus a new mixed system has been introduced, which imposes a ban on creating electoral blocs and raises the electoral threshold from 3% to 5%. The new…
Analyses | | Marta Zawilska-Florczuk
The congress of Germany’s ruling Christian Democrats was held on 14-15 November in Leipzig. Alongside social issues (the introduction of a minimum wage) and education, the event was primarily devoted to European politics. The CDU’s…
Analyses | | Artur Ciechanowicz
The report's key conclusion is that anti-Semitism is deeply rooted and widespread in German society; however, the force of the phenomenon has significantly diminished since the beginning of the first decade of the new century.
Analyses | | Andrzej Sadecki
The main orientations of Hungary's energy policy presented in the strategy have remained unchanged. The priorities are the following: energy independence to be achieved through the diversification of energy sources and supply routes,…
Analyses | | Jakub Groszkowski
After the collapse of the Borut Pahor government, caused by a dispute within the coalition over the pension scheme reform, Slovenia is awaiting a snap election on 4 December. The most likely winner of the elections seems to be the…
Analyses | | Sławomir Matuszak
Even if the negotiations are formally concluded, then the case of Yulia Tymoshenko will have crucial significance for the Association Agreement’s coming into force. EU representatives have informally indicated that if the main opposition…
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło, Wojciech Górecki
On 8 November, the Tajik court of first instance handed down jail sentences of eight and a half years to two pilots (one a citizen of Russia, the other of Estonia) who were working for the Russian company Rolkan Investment Ltd. They were…
Analyses | | Jakub Groszkowski
On 6 November, the Czech Chamber of Deputies, after six days of obstruction, adopted a package of laws which envisage cuts in expenses and which are of key significance to the implementation of reforms planned by the centre-right…
Analyses | | Tomasz Dąborowski
Rosen Plevneliev, former minister of regional development, won the presidential runoff on 30 October as the candidate of the ruling centre-right party, Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB). The president elect received 52.6…