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On 14 September, during a special session, the Belarusian parliament set the presidential election for 19 December this year. Everything indicates that the elections will end in the re-election of Alyaksandr Lukashenka, despite the…
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On 9 September Gazprom revised its budget for the year 2010. Despite pessimistic forecasts for its income (compared to the initial plans, the predicted fall will reach around 4% this year), the monopolist intends to increase its investment…
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On 14 September, during a meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania in Baku, representatives of the national energy companies signed a memorandum to create a joint venture group as part of the AGRI project, creating a…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
As integration with the EU is a top priority for the Serbian government, it will strive to avoid confrontational rhetoric towards Kosovo and make a pretence of a willingness to establish dialogue with the government in Pristina.
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The agriculture ministries of Romania and Moldova, as well as business representatives from both countries, agreed at the beginning of September that Romania will quintuple its imports of Moldovan fruit (mainly apples and grapes). This…
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On 9 September during the session of the CDU management, Erika Steinbach, a CDU MP and the head of the Federation of the Expellees (BdV) caused indignation among her colleagues when she suggested that the German invasion of Poland was…
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On 6 September the German chancellor Angela Merkel paid a visit to Lithuania. Vilnius had hoped for quite a lot from this visit: it was expected that Germany would back Lithuania’s energy policy, particularly Lithuania’s efforts to…
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On 8 September the Ministry of Development announced negotiations with the Russian authorities regarding the purchase of over 21% of shares in the company MOL from Surgutneftegaz. Budapest has also announced that it will seek to increase…
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On 7 September, at the annual meeting of German ambassadors, the German Economy Minister Rainer Brüderle announced a plan to establish a state-owned Resources Agency (RA). The new agency will be responsible for providing information and…
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On 7 September President Vaclav Klaus appeared before the Czech Chamber of Members of Parliament for the first time in seven years. In his speech he endorsed the plans for the reform of public finance proposed by the centre-right…