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Analyses | | Bartosz Chmielewski
The winner in the parliamentary elections held on 1 October in Latvia is incumbent Prime Minister Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš and his centre-right New Unity party (in Latvian: Jaunā Vienotība, JV). It was supported by 18.97% of voters and the…
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
In response to the annexation of four occupied Ukrainian regions to the Russian Federation and the Kremlin’s threats (including the possible use of nuclear weapons), Western countries are extending their sanctions on Russia, or announcing…
Analyses | | Michał Kędzierski, Sebastian Płóciennik
In a joint statement on 29 September Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Economy Minister Robert Habeck and Finance Minister Christian Lindner announced that a financial ‘umbrella’ of up to €200 billion will be created for interventions on the energy…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
In the last days of September, Ukrainian forces outflanked Russian positions in the northeastern region of Donetsk Oblast, leading to the hasty withdrawal of enemy units from the surrounding villages and Lyman (1 October).
Analyses | | Marek Menkiszak, Maria Domańska, Piotr Żochowski
On the afternoon of 30 September, President Vladimir Putin signed ‘agreements’ to annex four Ukrainian oblasts to Russia: Donetsk (the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, DPR), Luhansk (the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic, LPR),…
Analyses | | Kamil Kłysiński, Piotr Żochowski
On 27–28 September, representatives of the Belarusian and Russian defence ministries met in Moscow for talks on the prospects for military cooperation. Belarusian military officials announced an unannounced test of the combat &…
OSW Commentary | | Miłosz Szymański, Krzysztof Strachota
In 2022, post-Soviet Central Asia experienced a number of fundamental challenges that undermine and redefine the systemic foundations of order and stability that have been in place in the region over the past decades. Some of these…
Analyses | | Szymon Kardaś, Agata Łoskot-Strachota
On 26 September Gascade, a gas network operator in eastern Germany, reported that there had been a large drop in pressure in the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) pipeline, from 105 to 7 bar. In the late afternoon, Denmark confirmed a leak from one of…
Analyses | | OSW team
On 23–27 September, ‘referendums’ on the annexation of four Ukrainian regions to Russia were held in the occupied territories in Ukraine. They were organised in the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (Donetsk oblast; DPR), the Luhansk…
Analyses | | Andrzej Sadecki
In recent weeks, the Hungarian government’s main message at home and abroad has been to criticise EU sanctions against Russia and advocate lifting them, or at least not imposing any new sanctions. Fidesz politicians have accompanied this…