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On 22 September, the German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg decided to withdraw six Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, which had been used for surveillance tasks in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Germany’s withdrawal of the…
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A summit devoted to the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals agreed by the UN in 2000 was held on 20–22 September in New York. The summit was attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister for Development Co-…
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The SPD held an extraordinary party convention on 26 September, at the time of which the outline of a new party programme was presented. The convention marked a symbolic end to accounting for the defeat in the parliamentary elections in…
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On 17 September, the spokesman for the DVU (German People’s Union) announced the party leadership’s consent to a merger with the larger and more popular NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany). The parties are to merge by the end of…
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The international historical conference ‘Flight, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansings’ took place in Berlin on 16–18 September. During a meeting held by the German History Museum (DHM) and the Association of History Museums from Luxembourg,…
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Germany wants to push through changes in the European Commission’s draft regulation on subsidies for coal mining, which is not in line with the German strategy for this sector.
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On 9 September during the session of the CDU management, Erika Steinbach, a CDU MP and the head of the Federation of the Expellees (BdV) caused indignation among her colleagues when she suggested that the German invasion of Poland was…
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On 6 September the German chancellor Angela Merkel paid a visit to Lithuania. Vilnius had hoped for quite a lot from this visit: it was expected that Germany would back Lithuania’s energy policy, particularly Lithuania’s efforts to…
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On 7 September, at the annual meeting of German ambassadors, the German Economy Minister Rainer Brüderle announced a plan to establish a state-owned Resources Agency (RA). The new agency will be responsible for providing information and…
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On 10 September the German stabilisation fund of the financial sector (SoFFin) announced that it had granted the Hypo Real Estate (HRE) bank, one of the largest mortgage banks in Germany, further loan guarantees from public funds. At the…