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The Hungarian government received a letter from the president of the European Commission that included a question about Hungary's media package which came into force at the turn of 2010 and 2011. As the letter states, the EC has serious…
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| Lucie Szymanowska
The image of this presidency has been seriously tarnished at its very onset when a wave of international criticism attacked Hungary in connection with the new media act adopted by the Hungarian parliament dominated by representatives of…
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| Mariusz Bocian, Tomasz Dąborowski
Due to unconventional measures undertaken in its economic policy, Budapest has secured the budget for 2011 but has weakened the foundations of sustainable economic growth.bv
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The Hungarian parliament on 13 December adopted an amended pension act, which will enable the transfer of funds from the private to the state-controlled pillar of the pension system. This move will improve the condition of public finances…
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The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, during the meetings of the government delegation in Brussels and Paris (17 and 19 November) presented the agenda of the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2011.…
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On 16 November, the Hungarian parliament seriously restricted the competences of the Constitutional Court. The new regulations, which have been pushed through by Fidesz and its allies, the Christian Democrats, have almost completely…
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At an international conference in Lancut held on 22 October, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece joined the project for the Via Carpatia land transit route, which will lead from Lithuania through Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, and further south…
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On 18 October, Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban presented in parliament a package of economic laws which envisage significant changes in the fiscal system and a provisional withholding of payments from the state budget to private…
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The 110 kilometre long Arad–Szeged gas pipeline is to be launched officially on 14 October and will connect the gas pipeline systems of Romania and Hungary. The investment will contribute to improving the two countries’ energy security and…
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On 3 October candidates of the Fidesz party and their partners, the Christian Democrats, won in the local election in most towns and gained the majority of the vote in provincial parliaments and local councils. The ruling right has a…