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| Katarzyna Chawryło, Tadeusz Iwański
On 27-28 July, President Vladimir Putin took part in celebrations commemorating the 1025th anniversary of the conversion to Christianity of Kyivan Rus. The political exploitation of the celebrationis characteristic of the Kremlin’s current…
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| Arkadiusz Sarna
On 22 February President Viktor Yanukovych, during the TV show “Dialogue with Society” announced that it would be possible to sign a gas deal with Russia in the first half of the year. The deal would involve Ukrainian transit gas pipelines…
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| Wojciech Konończuk
On 26 January the Financial Times, citing a source in the Ukrainian government, reported that Gazprom had issued a bill for US$7 billion to Naftogaz for the purchase in 2012 of a smaller amount of gas than that agreed in their 2009…
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| Sławomir Matuszak
On 17 January, there was another round of the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations on the revision of the gas contracts from 2009, which have been ongoing for many months; however, this latest session did not produce any results. The main…
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| Iwona Wiśniewska
This document is intended to replace more than 100 bilateral agreements which currently govern free trade between these countries. The free trade area can only come into force when all the signatory states ratify it.
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| Sławomir Matuszak
The negotiations between Ukraine and the European Union on the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) have reached the final stage. Russia is opposed to Ukraine signing this agreement. Ukraine's…
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| Sławomir Matuszak
In recent weeks, Ukraine made yet another attempt to renegotiate the unfavourable gas contracts with Russia which were signed by Yulia Tymoshenko in 2009. The chances of success appear to be illusory, because without far-reaching…
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On 25 May, Gazprom CEO Aleksei Miller announced that after the Nord Stream pipeline is activated, the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory will fall by around 20 billion m³ per year. This statement should be regarded as an…
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On 19 May, at a summit of the CIS countries, no agreement was signed on a free trade zone which would guarantee Ukrainian exporters easier access to the Russian market (and the markets of the other CIS member states) and would ban the…
Analyses |
| Wojciech Konończuk, Sławomir Matuszak
Ukraine sees the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU as its priority and for this reason it has agreed to certain concessions to the EU's advantage; this has enabled the advancement of the negotiations. Ukraine treats offers…