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OSW Commentary | | Wojciech Górecki
Over the last year, the situation in Russia’s North Caucasus has become further destabilised. Attacks and armed clashes happen daily, and destabilisation is spreading to an increasingly large area. The extent of violence in the region is…
Analyses | | Iwona Wiśniewska
The objectives of this strategy are twofold: to use foreign capital and technology to increase extraction in Russia, and to strengthen Russia’s presence on foreign markets by exchanging assets with businesses outside Russia.
Analyses | | Jadwiga Rogoża
On 3 March, at a conference marking the 150th anniversary of the reforms of Tsar Alexander II, President Dmitri Medvedev gave a speech containing a clear criticism of the Putin system of power.
Analyses |
On 3 March, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin endorsed the relaxation or abolition of the 'take or pay’ principle in Gazprom’s long-term contracts on the internal market, while maintaining it in export contracts. These more flexible conditions…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The public protests in North African countries which started at the end of January have met with a limited reaction in Russia. Moscow has appealed to the parties to refrain from using force, and has stressed the necessity of adhering to…
Analyses |
On 25 February, after six months of trying, Russia’s state bank Vneshtorgbank (VTB) took over the Bank of Moscow, which manages the Russian capital city’s financial transfers. This is another step towards Vladimir Putin’s ruling clique…
Analyses |
On 1 March, Gazprom won the tender for the assets of the bankrupt company Rusia Petroleum, including a licence to exploit the Kovykta, one of the largest gas deposits in Russia. This ends the almost four-year struggle by the Russian gas…
Analyses |
On 24 February, the Russian press agency Interfax revealed data on the average prices of Russian gas in 2010 for certain European countries. They show wide variations in the prices: for example, the United Kingdom paid nearly half as much…
Analyses | | Wojciech Górecki
On 18-20 February a series of attacks took place in Kabardino-Balkaria in the Russian North Caucasus, in which tourists from Moscow were among those killed; a funicular on Mount Elbrus was also damaged. These attacks have demonstrated that…
Analyses |
On 16–17 February, during an official visit by President Dmitri Medvedev to Rome, Italy and Russia signed several agreements, including the sale to Gazprom of parts of the Italian ENI group’s shares in one of its Libyan projects. The…