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On 21 February, President Medvedev sacked the Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), General Vyacheslav Ushakov. His dismissal is the result of a conflict between the FSB and the Prosecutor General, against a background of…
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On 16 February, the Russian newspaper Vedomosti reported that Russia intends to withdraw from the international consortium to construct the Burgas–Aleksandroupolis oil pipeline. On the same day, Transneft denied this report. The project…
Analyses | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The visit by the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara to Moscow on 11 February has not helped to alleviate the tensions in Russian-Japanese relations, which have been ongoing since President Dmitri Medvedev’s visit to the disputed…
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13 February saw a test transmission by the first Muslim television station in Russia. The founding of this station, which will be supervised by the pro-government Board of Muftis of Russia, should on the one hand be seen as a gesture…
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On 14 February, independent Russian media published a recording of an interview with Natalia Vasilyeva, the spokesperson for the local court in the Khamovniki district of Moscow, in which she describes the political pressure exerted on the…
Analyses | | Wojciech Górecki
Despite the split in the Caucasian armed underground last year, the Emirate of the North Caucasus still has considerable potential to engage in terrorist activities.
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On 1 February, Russia’s ambassador to Chişinău, Valery Kuzmin, suggested that Gazprom might lower the price of gas to Moldova in return for political concessions from the Moldovan government. Most likely, Moscow is trying to persuade…
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On 2 February, President Dmitri Medvedev held a meeting with Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov on plans to raise salaries in the Russian armed forces from 2012. The defence minister reported the decision to increase the officer corps by…
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At this year's annual Economic Forum in Davos on 26-29 January, the Russian delegation, led by President Dmitri Medvedev, tried to persuade Western businessmen to invest in Russia. His guarantees that the investment climate in his country…
Analyses |
On 31 January, the board of the Russian firm TNK-BP decided to halt production in its refinery in Lysychansk, the second largest in Ukraine. Lukoil took the same step with its refinery in Odessa last autumn. The decision by TNK-BP…