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Analyses | | Szymon Kardaś, Wojciech Konończuk
The document will bring only a temporary halt to the ongoing conflict in the east of Ukraine.
OSW Report |
The crisis in Russia’s financial market has exposed the real scale of the economic problems that have been growing for several years.
Analyses | | Marek Menkiszak, Wojciech Konończuk
Russia intends to move closer to achieving its key goal: to subjugate Ukraine.  
Point of View | | Witold Rodkiewicz, Jadwiga Rogoża
The dissonance between the conservative slogans and its actual conduct suggest that the Kremlin’s ‘conservative project’ is purely instrumental in nature.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło, Witold Rodkiewicz
The Novorossiya movement has been out of the public eye and it is no accident that its reactivation has coincided with an escalation of clashes in Ukraine.
Analyses | | Katarzyna Chawryło
Anti-Maidan will probably be used by the Kremlin to quell protests which may arise due to the deteriorating socio-economic situation.
Analyses | | Wojciech Konończuk, Andrzej Wilk
Moscow is threatening the resumption of war, in order to force unconditional consent to hold a new round of political talks.
OSW Commentary | | Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, Ewa Fischer
While the Kremlin presents the EEU as the Eurasian equivalent of the European Union, the project is in reality an imitation of integration.
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
Purchase of Petrocas Energy Ltd. by Rosneft is a manifestation of Tbilisi’s change in attitude in relation to Moscow.
Analyses | | Jadwiga Rogoża
Zamiast wyroku więzienia dla Nawalnego, skazano jego brata, który ma być swego rodzaju zakładnikiem i dawać władzom narzędzie nacisku na opozycjonistę.