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Analyses | | Ewa Paszyc
On 30 October, Gazprom’s Board of Directors approved a change in the investment programme for this year. The company plans to increase its capital expenditure for investment to around $31 billion (a rise of about 25% compared with the…
Analyses | | Tomasz Dąborowski, Andrzej Sadecki, Marta Szpala
Russia’s Gazprom and the state-controlled Serbian and Hungarian energy companies on 29 and 31 October passed final investment decisions concerning the construction of the Serbian and Hungarian sections of the South Stream gas pipeline.…
Analyses | | Ewa Fischer
On 22 October, Rosneft announced the conclusion of an agreement with BP to buy back 50% of shares in TNK-BP (which BP owns) for US$17.1 billion, as well as 12.85% of Rosneft own shares . For part of that sum ($4.8 billion) – after the…
Analyses | | Agata Wierzbowska-Miazga
On 20-23 October, elections were held to the Coordination Council of the Russian opposition movement, which began to organise as a result of massive street protests ongoing since the end of 2011. Over 170,000 people registered to…
Analyses | | Jadwiga Rogoża, Agata Wierzbowska-Miazga
On 14 October, local elections at various levels were held in Russia, including the elections of governors in five oblasts. The governors were elected for the first time in eight years. Direct election at this level was reintroduced by…
Analyses | | Ewa Paszyc
8 October saw the opening ceremony for the second pipeline of Nord Stream, the direct route for Russian gas from Vyborg (Russia) to Greifswald (Germany) via the Baltic Sea. This action means the two pipes of the gas main have now reached…
Analyses | | Wojciech Górecki
Two agreements were concluded during the visit the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, made to Tajikistan on 4–5 October: one extending the term for the stationing of the Russian 201st military base in Tajikistan until 2042 and the other…
OSW Commentary | | Marcin Kaczmarski
The APEC[1] summit in Vladivostok (8-9 September) was expected to confirm Russia’s ambitions to play a more significant role in the Asia-Pacific region (particularly in East Asia) [2] and balance Moscow’s foreign policy by shifting some of…
OSW Commentary | | Jadwiga Rogoża
The last month has seen a public confrontation between Igor Sechin, the president of Rosneft, and Arkady Dvorkovich, the deputy prime minister, concerning the consolidation of the energy sector. This is the latest in a series of disputes…
Analyses | | Jadwiga Rogoża
The Russian government has ordered that the US development agency, USAID, leave Russia by 1 October. This means that USAID will cut its financial support for the projects it had been backing in Russia. The Russian Ministry of Foreign…