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Analyses |
| Artur Ciechanowicz
Chancellor Angela Merkel has not developed a comprehensive solution to the crisis as yet and is (seemingly) making efforts only to deal with the most pressing issues.
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
Sigmar Gabriel’s visit was in accordance with the principles of German policy towards countries such as China or Russia.
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
The deal struck with Greece overnight on 12 and 13 July has proven that Germany has an ever stronger position in the eurozone.
Analyses |
| Kamil Frymark
Germany’s favourable stance on the quota scheme is a new element in the country’s asylum policy. Berlin has previously been opposed to it.
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
Germany is working on a plan which would allow Greece to remain in the eurozone, even if the government in Athens announces that the country is bankrupt.
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
More and more German companies can see that Berlin’s political problems in contacts with Moscow will adversely affect economic co-operation in the long term.
Analyses |
| Justyna Gotkowska
Germany intends to use Juncker’s proposals to initiate a debate on establishing closer military co-operation within the EU.
Analyses |
| Kamil Frymark
In her speech on the politics of memory Merkel emphasised the position of China in its historical debate with Japan.
Analyses |
| Rafał Bajczuk
The six states of the Persian Gulf are the third largest exports market for Germany outside Europe, following the US and China.
Analyses |
| Konrad Popławski
The agreement between the eurozone and Greece is a tactical victory for Germany. The government in Berlin took a tough stance in the month-long negotiations.